Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Admiring the sky

The sky is so beautiful today.

Friday, February 10, 2012

A Moving Masterpiece: The Song Dynasty As Living Art


Song dynasty girls paint their nails too!

Ancient make up

Guess what is this? A compass in the shape of a fish!

Part of the famous painting

This photo do no justice to the moving art as it was really beautiful! It showcase both day and night of the bustling town..fascinating!

Went to expo for the Song dynasty painting 清明上河图 exhibition. Initially i thought it will be boring as the whole exhibition is on only one painting. But i was wrong, totally worth the money!  

Why is gene selfish?

Went to the newly opened cafe Selfish Gene at Tanjong Pagar with my sis. The banana cake and beef sandwich was awesome! Will definitely go back!

Pelican Playground

Old school playground which is a rare sight in Singapore.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Hello 2012~

A Picture An Hour

At 6.30am. Went to Hong Kong with my family on the first day of 2012! What a way to start a brand new year!

 At 7.30 am. At the airport

 At 8.30am. Boarding.

At 9.30am. View from the plane.

 At 10.30am. Brunch is served!

At 11.30am. Above cotton clouds

 At 12.30pm. Bored. First time wearing these fringe boots after keeping them pretty inside my shoe cabinet
                      for almost 3 years!

At 1.30pm. Reaching Hong Kong!

 Miniature Hong Kong


 At 2.30pm. On the airport express

  At 3.30pm. Reached the apartment we rented at Causeway bay.

 There is a very small rooftop where you can just sit and chat or enjoy the sunset. But we never went up as it was too cold!

 At 5.30pm. Early Dinner.

 At 6.30pm. Roaming around

At 7.30pm. We went to the exhibition for Hong Kong movies.

I'm doing A Picture An Hour to record my first day in 2012 as i always enjoy The Clothes Horse blog. I read it almost everyday! 
The Hong Kong trip did not go very well for my family and I as the weather was too cold for us and the service we got from almost everywhere was horrible! To make it worse, I was sick almost throughout the whole trip and could not eat anything during the last 3 days. And we missed Macau! Missed out on all the good food recommended in the guidebook (yes, we bought a guide book for Macau and didn't go there)! We were all pretty glad that we are living in warm and sunny Singapore with better air! 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

New toy

My sis and i bought a second hand Nikon camera and we are loving it!

Stamps from Paper Market

Maybe it's because i used to learn sewing, i'm attracted to stamps like these

My first pedicure~


Meet up with Linko, Cat, Kilian & Hua!

We had Mexican food at Margarita's

After the dinner we head on to Jones the grocer for some coffee

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Ferris Wheel


 They have this very old style 'fun fair' going on when we were there! It reminds me of the 'fun fair' i went when i was really young. Too bad my phone camera don't work very well at night :(

Went to this Kelong at Indonesia last December with my friends. But we didn't stayed there, we spend the night at a very old but really cheap hotel. I miss the Kelong seafood! It really fresh and nice especially the 花蟹! The boat ride (the transport local used to travel from the kelong to other places) there was interesting as its a really small boat and you are really close to the sea so any 'big movement' inside the boat you will feel like the boat is going to capsize.